ALLEMED (ALLIN) is a a tool developed to make it easier to include all children and young people in recreational activities, regardless of the financial situation of their families. The tool facilitates discussions and ideas on how to include all.
ALLEMED (ALLIN) has been developed by Nasjonal dugnad mot fattigdom ut utenforskap blant barn og unge, NDFU (National Effort to Reduce Poverty and exclusion among children and young people). NDFU is a broad, joint initiative by Norwegian NGOs, academic communities and associations.
An increasing number of children and young people grow up in low-income families. Child poverty leads to exclusion from social, cultural and sports arenas, which in turn can amplify the feeling of not belonging. That is why it is so important that we join forces and make sure all children can grow and develop in nurturing cirumstances, as well as have equal opportunitues to participate.